Commonwealth University students view a computer screen in a classroom

General Education Requirements

A general education program is a university curriculum shared by all undergraduate students that provides a framework for lifelong knowledge assimilation and skill development, which are necessary for career readiness and informed citizenship in a democratic society.

Many of our students are preparing for careers and pathways that do not yet exist, whether they are aware of this or not.  Commonwealth University, our networks of campus alumni, and our regional employers expect that many traditional and emerging careers will require highly developed reading, listening, reasoning, creative thinking, and problem-solving skills.  Such personal attributes cannot be turned on like a light switch or found using a search engine; rather, they must be carefully developed within us, practiced, and honed. General Education at Commonwealth University provides our students with opportunities to develop these skills.

Today’s students have already witnessed rapid changes in the technologies we use, the labor markets we compete in, the ways families and social networks form, and the ways people pursue happiness. Our students are also learning that we are living amidst demographic, economic, and political changes, which were set in motion decades ago, and climatic changes, which were set in motion a century ago.  With change come disruptions - abrupt changes to the knowledge bases and skill sets that are prized in the marketplace.  Therefore, it is reasonable to expect our students will rely increasingly on the core qualities they developed in general education to react to and move with the disruptive forces that create, expand, or shrink highly specialized labor markets. Moreover, our nation will hold together only to the degree to which we communicate respectfully, solve problems ethically, and place a premium on evidence, reasoned debate, and lifelong learning.

Illustration of Mountain

Introduction and General Education Themes

Illustration of Mountain

Education at a college or university has traditionally had two equally important components—depth and breadth. Depth is provided by the academic major which a student chooses and which prepares him or her for a useful vocation; breadth of knowledge is the concern and aim of the general education curriculum.

A general education program is a university curriculum shared by all undergraduate students that provides a framework for lifelong knowledge assimilation and skill development, which are necessary for career readiness and informed citizenship in a democratic society. According to PASSHE Board of Governors, General Education ”consists of a broad program of study in the liberal arts and sciences” which are “typically met through study in the areas of humanities, fine arts, communication, social and behavioral sciences, mathematics, and the natural/physical sciences” (BOG 1990-06-A). 

Commonwealth University’s General Education is aligned with the liberal education approach to learning and “ensures that students acquire breadth of knowledge and provides a basis for developing essential learning outcomes. Learning across traditions and disciplines fosters integration of knowledge and develops skills in diversity, civic and cultural awareness, communication, problem-solving, and critical analysis. Within General Education, student learning outcomes consist less in mastery of disciplinary content than in the acquisition of the skills, values, awareness, understanding, perspective and appreciation that are the foundation for informed citizenship in a democratic society, innovation, and career readings, General Education is also a foundational component of employability skills” (BOG 1993-01-A). 

Within General Education, student learning outcomes emphasize critical thinking and analysis, quantitative reasoning, communication skills, an ability to form opinions, ideas, and concepts and an ability to argue and defend them. Providing students with ample opportunities to develop competencies across multiple disciplines will foster knowledge integration, innovation, and adaptability necessary to solve complex interdisciplinary problems while at the same time creating awareness of the interdependence among people and ideas and creating openness to differences.

Commonwealth University adopted  a new general education program that started with students entering as first-year students in the Fall 2023 semester. Students who enrolled before Fall 2023 will be able to finish their general education program (Pre-Fall 2023 General Education Programs – Bloomsburg, Lock Haven, Mansfield)  or can meet with their advisor to explore opting into the new general education program. Relevant Commonwealth General Education Program information can be found below.

Access the Complete General Education Curriculum Map Access the General Education Advisor and Student Handbook Access the Complete General Education Curriculum Rubrics Access the General Education Power Point

* = Awaiting Approval  (Please note that the listing of courses below contains a mix of approved courses and those that are under review. Those that are awaiting approval are designated with an * after the course name.)

We want our students to build sound Foundations - 15 credits

Foundational courses provide students with opportunities to develop vital skills needed to succeed while in college and throughout life outside of college. These skills include effective and appropriate written and oral communication, the generation of evidence-based arguments, and accurate and appropriate quantitative reasoning.

Commonwealth students are required to take FYS100 First Year Seminar, a course in Written Communication, a course in Oral Communication, a course in Historical Themes, and a course in Quantitative Reasoning.

Courses that are approved for inclusion in the General Education Foundations curriculum will engage students in the associated learning objectives at a significantly high level. A majority of course content and assignments will be focused on the student learning objectives and student learning outcome competencies related to the relevant program goals. These goals and what we expect students to do successfully reach them are available for each of the five Foundations pillars via their specific Learning Objectives link below.

General Education Program Goal: Guide and prompt students to develop skills in support of scholarly and academic success, engage with the university community, foster personal development and wellness, and promote understanding of diversity and social responsibility through a first-year seminar.


FYS100 First Year Seminar 

General Education Program Goal: Guide and prompt students to locate and organize information with appropriate evidence and language for clear written communication.


WRIT101 Foundations in Composition and 

WRIT102 Foundations in Composition Lab 

(WRIT102 is a one-credit corequisite for WRIT101.
WRIT101 and WRIT102 are 4 credits together.)

WRIT103 Composition

General Education Program Goal: Guide and prompt students to develop oral communication skills necessary to organize and deliver a clear message with appropriate supporting material.


COMM100 Introduction to Communication

COMM101 Public Speaking

COMM102 Interpersonal Communication

COMM103 Small Group Communication 

HONR211 Honors Oral Communication Seminar 

MEDJ221 Social Media and Podcasting

PLAY329 Teacher Professional as Performer

General Education Program Goal: Guide and prompt students to understand major historical themes, applying critical analysis to generate arguments based on appropriate evidence.

Learning Objectives (H)


ANTH130 Introduction to Archaeology 

ARAB211 MENA History Culture and Civilization

ARTH230 Intro to Asian Art 

ARTH257 History of Art Market 

ARTH302 Greco-Roman World

ARTH303 Medieval Art and Society 

ARTH304 Italian Renaissance Art 

ARTH307 19th Century Art

ARTH340 Islamic Art and Architecture 

CHIN211 Chinese History culture and Civilization 

FREN211 French History Culture and Civilization

GERM211 German History Culture and Civilization

HIST111 World History I

HIST112 World History II 

HIST121 US History to 1877

HIST122 US History since 1877

HIST131 Asian History to 1500

HIST132 Asian History since 1500

HIST145 History of Islamicate Societies to 1260

HIST146 History of Islamicate Societies since 1260

HIST210 20th Century World History

HIST213 Religion and Violence

HIST220 World War Two

HIST228 African American History

HIST270 Hollywood History

HONR212 Honors History Seminar 

MUSI220 Western Music Until 1750 

RUSS211 Russian History Culture and Civilization 

SPAN211 Spanish and Spanish American History Culture and Civilization 

General Education Program Goal: Guide and prompt students to interpret mathematical forms, analyze through calculations, and communicate quantitative reasoning.


ECON156 Business & Economic Mathematics

MATH101 Math Thinking

MATH101A Math Thinking with Recitation

MATH110 Concepts of Arithmetic and Number Systems

MATH118 College Algebra

MATH118A College Algebra with Recitation

MATH120 Mathematics for the Health Sciences

MATH120A Mathematics for the Health Sciences with Recitation 

MATH130 Finite Mathematics

MATH130A Finite Mathematics with Recitation

MATH140 Precalculus 

MATH150 Essentials of Calculus 

MATH160 Calculus 1

STAT141 Introduction to Statistics

STAT141A Introduction to Statistics with Recitation 

We want our students to recognize Interconnections - 9 credits

Interconnections courses provoke explorations into human behavior, social interactions, and global communities through the humanities and the social and behavioral sciences. A pathway to mutual respect and tolerance in a diverse world is provided through meaningful discourse about the causes and consequences of human thought and behavior, as well a meaningful examination of traditions and structures.

Interconnections courses provide students with opportunities to (1) develop global perspectives by analyzing systems and evaluating interrelationships, (2) evaluate the diversity of human experience, behavior and thought, (3) better understand themselves and others, (4) appropriately respond to roots of inequality that undermine social justice, (5) understand and demonstrate oral and written communication in a foreign language, and (6) attain awareness and appreciation of a foreign culture.

Commonwealth students are required to complete three Interconnections courses. All students are required to take at least one class in the diversity pillar and at least one class in the global perspectives pillar. For their third course, students may either take a course in the foreign language pillar or a class in diversity or global perspectives.

Courses that are approved for inclusion in the General Education Interconnections curriculum will engage students in the associated learning objectives at a significantly high level. A majority of course content and assignments will be focused on the student learning objectives and student learning outcome competencies related to the relevant program goals. These goals and what we expect students to do successfully reach them are available for each of the three Interconnections pillars via their specific Learning Objectives link below.

General Education Program Goal: Guide and prompt students to evaluate the diversity of human experience, behavior, and thought, in order to better understand ourselves and others, to respond to the roots of inequality that undermines social justice, while developing awareness regarding diversity in culture, ethnicity, race, gender/gender expression, religion, age, social class, sexual orientation, or abilities.


ANTH101 Introduction to Anthropology
ANTH120 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
ANTH240 Indigenous Peoples & the United States
ASLI130 Deaf Culture
ARTH370 Women, Art & Society 
CES310 European City Studies 
COMM200 Intercultural Communication
COMM312 Gender and Communication
COMM314 Communicating Identity and Difference
ECED250 Culturally Relevant Sustaining Education PK-4
EDUC346 Teaching in Diverse Contexts
EGGS102 World Cultural Geography
ELL320 Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity
ENGL280 Literature & Identity: Topic TBA
ENGL281 Civil Rights Lit 
ENGL283 Literature and Ethnic Identity 
ENGL284 Literature and Gender Identity
ENGL288 Feminist Reading of Culture 
EXER288 Women in Sport
FREN214 French Cinema Society and the Individual
HIST377 American Woman
HLSC307 Cultural Aspects of Health
HONR214 Honors Diversity Seminar 
LAWL360 Employment Discrimination
LING111 Language in the U.S.A. 
PHIL306 Feminist Philosophy
POLI215 Gender and Politics 
POLI216 Race and Politics 
PSYC210 Child Development
PSYC211 Adolescent Development
PSYC212 Lifespan Development
PSYC217 Adult Development and Aging
PSYC218 Principles of Gerontology
SOCI201 Families in Society
SOCI202 Racial and Ethnic Relations
SOCI301 Social Stratification 
SOWK200 Diversity and Social Justice
SOWK323 Exploring LGBTQ+ Experiences
SPAN213 Latinos Contributions to the US 
SPMG235 Inclusive Sport and Recreation Programming
WGSS101 Introduction to Women's Studies
WGSS110 Introduction to LGBTQ Studies
WLCU202 Diversity in World Cinema 

General Education Program Goal: Guide and prompt students to develop global perspectives by analyzing systems and evaluating interrelationships.


ANTH150 Anthropology and World Issues
ARAB101 Elementary Arabic I 
ARTH253 History of Fiber and Fashion 
ARTH311 African-American Art 
ARTH330 Latin American Art 
ARTH350 Art of Africa and Oceania 
CES380 Special Topics in Central and East European Studies
CHIN101 Elementary Chinese I 
CHLS245 Child, Family, and Community Engagement 
ECON121 Principles of Macroeconomics
EGGS104 World Regional Geography 
EGGS105 Environmental Issues and Choices 
EGGS108 Climate Change
EGGS140 Sustainability Science
EGGS205 Special Topics in Regional Geography* 
EGGS212 Geog of Developing World
EGGS218 Global Water 
ENGL220 Global Literature Survey
ENGL320 Global Literature and Culture 
FREN101 Elementary French I 
FREN112 Tour de France: Culture, Art, Architecture, and History 
GERM101 Elementary German I
HIST457 Early Modern Ottoman Empire Seminar
HIST458 Modern Ottoman Empire Seminar
HLPE145 Global Sports and Cultural Differences, Nationalism, Ideologies, and Politics 
HLSC212 Global Health Promotion
HONR210 Honors Global Perspectives Seminar 
ITAL101 Elementary Italian I 
LATN101 Elementary Latin I 
MATH220 History of Mathematics
MUSI111 World Music
NUTR300 Cultural Nutrition 
PHIL311 Eastern Philosophy
PHIL312 Africana Philosophy
POLI140 Comparative Politics
POLI160 International Relations 
POLI245 Terrorism 
POLI252 Asian Politics
POLI258 China and the World 
POLI259 Politics in the Global South 
POLI261 Global Issues
POLI266 Politics of Global Health
POLI326 Politics of the Global Economy 
POLI335 Politics and Culture in Belize
POLI351 African Politics
POLI364 Human Rights 
POLI366 Regionalism in Global Affairs
RUSS101 Elementary Russian I 
SOCI360 Globalization and Culture
SOCI361 China's Culture and Society
SPAN101 Elementary Spanish I 

General Education Program Goal: Guide and prompt students to understand and demonstrate oral and written communication in a foreign language as well as awareness of a foreign culture.


ARAB102 Elementary Arabic II 
ASL101 American Sign Language 1
CHIN102 Elementary Chinese II
FREN102 Elementary French II
GERM102 Elementary German II
ITAL102 Elementary Italian II
LATN102 Elementary Latin II
RUSS102 Elementary Russian II
SPAN102 Elementary Spanish II

We want our students to consider the importance of citizenship & responsibility - 6 credits

Citizenship & Responsibility courses provide students with opportunities to consider the function and development of social institutions as well as students' own responsibilities in society. Tools for development of students as informed and responsible citizens include the examination of principles and research in the social sciences, analysis of the development of social and political systems and practices, engagement in critical analysis and reasoning, and application of ethics and values.

Citizenship & Responsibility courses focus students' attention on  (1) understanding what is entailed in responsible citizenship, how societies protect or fail to protect basic rights, and the avenues for individual or collective action, (2) using appropriate critical analysis and reasoning to explain and analyze concepts, (2) identifying ethical theories or guidelines, (3) applying appropriate ethical reasoning to reach conclusions and support moral arguments, and (4) applying concepts to issues to determine significance or value.

Commonwealth students are required to complete two Citizenship & Responsibility courses, with no more than one course being attributed with the same pillar/program goal. (In other words: there are 3 pillars/goals - pick 2 of them.)

Courses that are approved for inclusion in the General Education Citizenship & Responsibility curriculum will engage students in the associated learning objectives at a significantly high level. A majority of course content and assignments will be focused on the student learning objectives and student learning outcome competencies related to the relevant program goals. These goals and what we expect students to do successfully reach them are available for each of the three Citizenship & Responsibility pillars via their specific Learning Objectives link below.

General Education Program Goal: Guide and prompt students to understand responsible citizenship through the development of ideas of citizenship and rights, how society protect or fails to protect basic rights, and avenues for individual or collective action.


HLSC140 Introduction to Public Health
HLSC211 Public Health Social Justice and Advocacy 
HLSC218 Public Health and the Environment
HONR215 Honors Citizenship Seminar
ISTD120  Anti-Racism, Equity, and Social Responsibility 
LAWL120 Personal Legal Decisions
LAWL231 Law and the Legal Environment 
MEDJ240 News & Democracy
MEDJ250 Public Relations Theory and Practice
PHIL304 Philosophy of Law
PHIL305 Political Philosophy
POLI110 US Government: Participation and Policy
POLI170 Political Ideologies 
POLI212 US State and Local Politics 
POLI324 Philosophy of Law 
POLI371 Political Philosophy 
SOCI340 Firearms and the United States
SOWK100 Introduction to Social Work
SPEC110 Introduction to Individuals with Exceptionalities
WLCU215 Immigration Integration and Belonging

General Education Program Goal: Guide and prompt students to identify ethical theories or guidelines and apply appropriate ethical reasoning to reach conclusions and support moral judgments.


COMM322 Communication Ethics
HONR216 Honors Ethical Reasoning Seminar 
PHIL203 Business Ethics
PHIL204 Environmental Ethics
PHIL205 Medical Ethics
PHIL221 Contemporary Moral Problems
PHIL302 Ethics

General Education Program Goal: Guide and prompt students to use appropriate critical analysis and reasoning to explain and analyze concepts, and apply concepts to issues to determine significance or value.


COMM208 Communication Research Methods 
COMM209 Rhetorical Criticism
COMM332 Argumentation and Advocacy 
CMSD152 Intro to Communication Disorders
ECON122 Principles of Microeconomics
FIN120 Personal Finance Decisions
HLSC332 Psychological Considerations of Injury and Illness for Healthcare Providers
HLSC340 Epidemiology
HLSC401 Current Issues in Health
HONR217 Honors Critical Reasoning Seminar
IDT450 Instructional Design
LIBR201 Peer Research Consultant Development
MATH103 Critical Reasoning in Mathematics
MATH113 Concepts of Geometry and Statistics
MATH113A Concepts of Geometry and Statistics with Recitation
MATH250 Discrete Math
MEDJ110 Introduction to Mass Communication
MEDJ120 Introduction to Emergent Media
PHIL101 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL102 Critical Thinking
PHIL201 Deductive Logic
PHIL210 Ancient Philosophy
PHIL222 Philosophy and Pop Culture
PHIL223 Philosophy of Religion 
PHIL303 Existentialism
PHIL307 Art, Beauty, and the Sublime
PHIL313 Medieval Philosophy 
PHIL314 Descartes to Kant
POLI221 Constitutional Law I 
PSYC245 Psychology of Leadership
SOCI101 Introduction to Sociology
SOCI260 Foundations of Sociological Thought 
SOCI302 Society and Economy
SOCI305 Sociology of Religion
SSDV281 Peer Educator Development
SSDV381 Advanced Peer Educator Development
WRIT281 Intro to Tutoring Writing
WRIT381 Topics in Writing Tutoring

We want our students to understand the Natural World and Technologies that surround them - 9 credits

Science is the concerted human effort to better understand the history of the natural world and how the natural world works, with observable physical evidence as the basis of that understanding. The courses in Natural World & Technology provide students with opportunities to learn how new knowledge is created and to apply scientific principles and/or technologies that can be used to address historical and contemporary questions.  

Natural World & Technology courses provide students with opportunities to understand the scientific method and resulting principles and theories, (2) critically evaluate data to answer questions about the natural world, (3) acquire knowledge, skills, and competencies regarding a broad range of computer technologies and software, and (4) to use computer technologies and software responsibly.

Commonwealth students are required to complete three Natural World & Technology courses, with at least two courses being part of the Natural World pillar/program goal. Students may either take a third Natural World course or a Technology course to fulfill this requirement.

Courses that are approved for inclusion in the General Education Natural World & Technology curriculum will engage students in the associated learning objectives at a significantly high level. A majority of course content and assignments will be focused on the student learning objectives and student learning outcome competencies related to the relevant program goals. These goals and what we expect students to do successfully reach them are available for each of the two Natural World & Technology pillars via their specific Learning Objectives link below.

General Education Program Goal: Guide and prompt students to understand the scientific method and resulting principles and theories, critically evaluating data to answer questions about the natural world.


ANTH140 Intro to Biological Anthropology 
ANTH221 Forensic Anthropology 
ASTR102 Stars and Galaxies
ASTR103 Astronomy
BIOL100 Cells, Genes, and Molecules
BIOL101 Human Biology 
BIOL102 Ecology and Evolution
BIOL103 Biodiversity and Conservation
BIOL104 Backyard Biology
BIOL105 Basic Biology 
BIOL106 Exploring Biology 
BIOL107 Biology in the Headlines 
BIOL110 Principles of Biology 1 
BIOL180 Anatomy and Physiology 1
BIOL230 Biology of Human Sexuality
CHEM100 Chemistry of Air, Water, and Earth
CHEM102 Toxins & Poisons
CHEM103 Crime Scenes and Chemistry
CHEM104 Chemistry and Art
CHEM105 How Drugs Work
CHEM116 Physiological Chemistry 1
CHEM117 Physiological Chemistry 2
CHEM121 General Chemistry I
CHEM122 General Chemistry II
EGGS100 Intro to Environmental Science
EGGS101 Intro to Physical Geography 
EGGS106 Planets
EGGS107 Natural Disasters
EGGS111 Earth Science
EGGS120 Physical Geology
EGGS125 Geology of Gemstones 
EGGS130 Historical Geology
EGGS135 Geology of National Parks
EGGS220 Environmental Geology
EGGS255 Meteorology
EGGS259 Oceanography
ENGT101 Introduction to Engineering Technology 
HLSC115 Human Anatomy and Physiology I 
HLTH122 Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology
HONR218 Honors Natural World Seminar 
PHYS105 Energy and Society
PHYS108 Galileo The Father of Experimental Science
PHYS109 The Science of Music
PHYS110 How Things Work
PHYS125 Physics of Sports
PHYS204 Acoustics
PHYS205 Applied Physics for Medical Imaging
PHYS208 Introductory Physics I
PHYS209 Introductory Physics II
PHYS211 General Physics 1
PHYS212 General Physics 2
PSYC100 Introduction to Psychology
RASC140 Radioecology

General Education Program Goal: Guide and prompt students to acquire knowledge, skills, and competencies regarding a broad range of computer technologies and software, and to use them responsibly.


ART190 Digital Foundation 
ART290 Digital Draw - Paint
ARVR200 Intro to VR and AR 
CMSC115 Python Programming
CMSC120 Object-Oriented Programming with Java 
COMM323 Computer Applications for Professional Communicators
DGFR121 File Systems 1 
ECED204 Current and Emerging Early Learning Technologies
EDTC200 Technology for Teaching and Learning 
EGGS160 Digital Earth 
EGGS242 Mapping and GIS Fundamentals 
HLPE150 Using Trending Technology for Wellness
HONR219 Honors Technologies Seminar
IDT465 Virtual Teams 
ITAN175 Spreadsheet Analysis GE 
MEDJ220 Introduction to Multimedia 
MUSI230 Technology in Music Education 
SPEC229 Technology for Individuals with Exceptionalities 

We want our students to recognize and appreciate Creativity & Expression - 6 credits

Creativity and Expression courses will provide students with opportunities to explore artistic and literary disciplines and their modes of expression, considering the processes by which artistic works are imagined and created as well as the analytical tools for describing and appraising works of art and literature. 

Creativity & Expression courses provide students with opportunities to (1) comprehend, analyze, and determine the significance of works of literature,  (2) describe, analyze, and respond to the scope of works in the arts, and (3) demonstrate and apply creative competencies, problem solving, and preparation in the realization of a creative work. 

Commonwealth students are required to complete two Creativity & Expression courses, with one of these two courses being a Literature pillar course and the other being either an arts or a creativity course.

Courses that are approved for inclusion in the General Education Creativity & Expression curriculum will engage students in the associated learning objectives at a significantly high level. A majority of course content and assignments will be focused on the student learning objectives and student learning outcome competencies related to the relevant program goals. These goals and what we expect students to do successfully reach them are available for each of the three Creativity and Expression pillars via their specific Learning Objectives link below.

General Education Program Goal: Guide and prompt students to comprehend, analyze, and determine the significance for works of literature.


ARAB212 Arabic Literature and Culture 
CES212 Central and East European Literature and Culture 
CHIN212 Chinese Literature and Culture
ENGL151 Intro to Literature
ENGL152 Lit and Society
ENGL227 European Literature Survey 
ENGL228 Core Western Texts
ENGL230 American Literature Survey I 
ENGL231 American Lit II
ENGL240 British Literature I
ENGL241 British Literature II
ENGL250 Literacy Theory and Forms
ENGL282 Af Am Lit
ENGL289 Sexualities and Literature 
ENGL290 Short Story
ENGL291 Poetry 
ENGL292 Creative Nonfiction
ENGL330 American Literature and Culture
ENGL340 British Literature & Culture
ENGL360 Literature and Media in Culture
ENGL390 Shakespeare
ENGL391 Author(s) in Context 
ENGL420 Studies in Genre 
FREN212 French Literature and Culture 
HONR220 Honors Literature Seminar
LAWL340 Law & Literature
RUSS212 Russian Literature and Culture 
SPAN212 Spanish and Spanish American Film Literature and Culture 
THEA105 Script Analysis 
WLCU201 International Short Story 

General Education Program Goal: Guide and prompt students to describe, analyze, and respond to the scope of works in the arts.


ART388 Gallery Management and Exhibition Design
ARTH110 Understanding Art
ARTH120 World of the Arts 
ARTH210 Ancient to Medieval Art 
ARTH220 Renaissance to Contemporary Art 
ARTH251 History of Graphic Design 
ARTH252 History of Photography 
ARTH258 Baroque to Rococo
ARTH300 Special Topics 
ARTH308 American Art 
ARTH309 History of Modern Art 
ARTH310 Contemporary Art
DANC110 Dance History: A World Survey
ENGL204 Intro to Creative Writing 
HONR221 Honors Arts Seminar 
MEDJ210 Cinema Appreciation 
MUSI110 Intro to Music 
MUSI112 History of Popular Music 
THEA102 Intro to Theatre
THEA103 Theatre Appreciation 

General Education Program Goal: Guide and prompt students to demonstrate and apply creative competencies, problem solving, and preparation in the realization of a creative work.


ART100 2-D Foundation 
ART101 3-D Foundation 
ART120 Drawing Foundation 
ART180 Water Based Media 
ART205 Creative Explorations 
ART210 Ceramics - Wheel Throwing I 
ART212 Ceramics - Hand Building & Tile Making I 
ART214 Glaze Calculation 
ART230 Fabric Design - Dye 
ART231 Fabric Design - Surface
ART232 Fabric Design - Natural Dye & Fiber 
ART233 Fabric Design - Fiber Art 
ART234 Fabric Design - Sew & Structure 
ART240 Painting I 
ART241 Observational Painting 
ART242 Experimental Painting 
ART243 Figure Painting
ART250 Darkroom Photography 
ART252 Digital Photography 
ART253 Cell Phone Photography 
ART254 Portrait Photography 
ART255 Experimental Photography 
ART256 Landscape Photo
ART257 Street Photography 
ART260 Printmaking Survey
ART261 Printmaking Etching 
ART262 Printmaking Woodcut 
ART263 Printmaking Silkscreen
ART264 Printmaking Lithography 
ART265 Printmaking Printing by Hand 
ART270 Sculpture I 
ART272 Sculpture - Wood & Metal 
ART273 Sculpture - The Figure 
ART274 Sculpture - Mixed Media 
ART275 Sculpture - New Technologies
ART276 Sculpture - Clay & Plaster 
ART277 Sculpture - Composite Materials 
ART281 Multicultural Crafts 
ART282 Global Art 
ART283 Book Structures
CHLS244 Play, Creativity, and Expressive Arts
DANC115 Ballet & Jazz I
DANC215 Modern I/II
DANC315 Jazz II
DANC325 Ballet II
EGGS115 Nature Study and Creative Expression* 
GRDS200 Introduction to Graphic Design 
GRDS277 Graphic Web Design
GRDS282 Letterpress
GRDS293 Experimental Letterform 
HONR222 Honors Creativity Seminar 
MEDJ222 Introduction to Visual Communications
MUEN300 Concert Choir
MUEN301 Festival Chorus
MUEN308 SSAA Chorus
MUEN309 TTBB Chorus
MUEN330 Wind Ensemble 
MUEN331 Marching Band 
MUEN332 Symphonic Band 
MUEN335 Jazz Band 
MUEN350 Symphony Orchestra
MUSI115 Basic Class Piano
THEA110 Introduction to Acting 
THEA270 Fundamentals of Theatre Design 
THEA371 Scenic Design & Technology 
THEA372 Makeup Design & Technology 
THEA373 Sound Design & Technology
THEA374 Lighting Design & Technology 
THEA377 Costume Design & Technology 

Illustration of Mountain

For Students Enrolled Before Fall 2023

Access the legacy general education information for Bloomsburg, Lock Haven, and Mansfield

Note: The Commonwealth University general education was adopted from Shippensburg and we appreciate the Shippensburg University General Education Committee's generosity in sharing and guiding the CU curriculum committees as we built this model for use at CU. 
