Policy 02-100: Interim Policy on Emeritus Status

Policy 02-100: Interim Policy on Emeritus Status

Commonwealth University of Pennsylvania

  • Issued as Interim Policy 02-100 on April 4, 2024
  • Issued by Suzanne Williamson, Vice President for Administration
  • Responsible Office: Office of the President

1. Purpose

This policy provides standards by which faculty members, managers and administrators, noninstructional employees, and athletic coaches are nominated and approved for emeritus status.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all retired or resigned faculty members, managers and administrators, noninstructional employees, and athletic coaches of the University.

3. Definitions, Roles and Responsibilities

3.1. Definitions

3.1.1. Department: the academic or other department of the faculty member being considered for emeritus status.

3.1.2. University: Commonwealth University of Pennsylvania, which includes the former universities of Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania and Mansfield University of Pennsylvania.

4. Policy

4.1. To be considered for emeritus status, the individual must:

4.1.1. Have retired or resigned as a faculty member, manager or administrator, noninstructional employee, or athletic coach at the University.

4.1.2. Have served with distinction for a minimum of ten (10) years at the University in that capacity.

4.1.3. If an employee other than the President, be nominated with a majority vote of the department concerned.

4.2. After an individual has retired or resigned, the department the individual resigned or retired from may consider emeritus status for that individual following the retirement or resignation in accordance with the Procedures for Nominating and Granting Emeritus Status.

4.3. The President of the University, having been delegated the responsibility by the Council of Trustees, may confer emeritus status on the retiring or resigning faculty member.

4.4. The President will report the conferral of emeritus status to the individual awarded such status and as part of a public meeting of the Council of Trustees.

4.5. If approved for emeritus status, the individual may be entitled to any privileges made available to all emeriti by the University, consistent with applicable laws and governing policies, procedures and standards.

5. Compliance and Enforcement

5.1. The Office of the President will maintain a list of all individuals granted emeriti status under this policy.

5.2. The Office of the President will review this policy every five years.

6. Additional Information

6.1. Related Policies – Issued as an Interim Policy by the Office of the President replacing:

6.1.1. PRP 6760 - Faculty Emeritus Status | Bloomsburg University (bloomu.edu) issued on 5/1/1983 by Provost Wilson Bradshaw and approved by the COT on 12/7/1983; amended on 3/1/1996 and endorsed by Forum on 4/24/1996; amendments proposed at APSCUF Meet and Discuss on 10/4/2004, reviewed by the COT on 12/1/2004, endorsed by Forum on 2/2/2005, and issued by Interim Provost James Matta on 5/1/2005; revised and updated by the General Administration Committee on 3/13/2014 and 4/8/2014 to revise service requirements and approved by Forum on 4/23/2014.

6.1.2. PRP 8760 – Manager and Administrator Emeritus Status | Bloomsburg University (bloomu.edu) issued on 4/16/1996 by the Vice President for Administration and Finance; revised and updated by the General Administration Committee on 10/17/2013; revised by Forum on 4/23/2014.

6.1.3. PRP 8761 – Noninstructional Emeritus Status | Bloomsburg University (bloomu.edu) issued on issued on 4/16/1996 by the Vice President for Administration and Finance; revised and updated by the General Administration Committee on 10/17/2013; revised by Forum on 4/23/2014.

6.1.4. PRP 8762 – Athletic Coach Emeritus Status | Bloomsburg University (bloomu.edu) endorsed by Forum on 4/23/2014.

6.2. Related Procedures - Procedure for Nominating and Granting Emeritus Status, Procedure Number 02-100

6.3. Contacts for Additional Information and Reporting
Office of the President
Commonwealth University
Attn: Chief of Staff