commonwealth university of pennsylvania, Bloomsburg, Lock Haven, Mansfield, commencement graduate


Commonwealth University of Pennsylvania was established in 2022 through the integration of Bloomsburg University, Lock Haven University and Mansfield University to expand high-quality, affordable academic opportunities and support vibrant on-campus student experiences.

Illustration of Mountain
Illustration of Mountain

Powerful ideas start here, carried by dynamic stories and voices, resulting in empowered students. Together, we provide financially responsible degree options that maximize experiential learning, career preparation, and efficient time to degree completion.

We're Honoring our History by preserving the founding principles of each campus and continuing our vibrant on-campus student experience, serving as pillars of our communities, supporting students and our neighbors alike.

We're Investing in Today by answering the greatest challenges facing higher education: accessibility, cost, quality, and relevance through the combined strength of our storied institutions and multiple locations.

We're Building a Powerful Tomorrow by boldly changing the trajectory of public higher education to position ourselves for growth, increased access, and to meet economic and workforce development needs in our region, across Pennsylvania and beyond.


Commonwealth University-Lock Haven, formerly Lock Haven University, Student Success Center

Mission, Vision and Values

Our hard-working and determined students are at the heart of everything we do. Commonwealth University leverages the power of Bloomsburg, Lock Haven, and Mansfield to provide affordable, high-quality education emphasizing high-impact practices, personal and career connections, and inclusivity supporting all learners to succeed in our region and beyond.

President Bashar Hanna

President and Leadership

President Bashar Hanna and his leadership team are committed to upholding the mission, vision, and values of Commonwealth University and supporting student success across the Bloomsburg, Lock Haven, Mansfield, and Clearfield campuses.

Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan

Commonwealth University’s inaugural strategic plan identifies student-centered initiatives and ideals to advance our mission, vision, values, and goals, empowering students to achieve their personal and professional aspirations. Our strategic statements, priorities, and commitments will guide this journey of learning, discovery, growth, and achievement.