Melissa Wolf '01

- Title(s)
- Bloomsburg Alumni Association Board of Directors
- Education
B.S. Accounting, Bloomsburg University
- Contact Information
- Bloomsburg
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Director, Baker Tilly US
- Social Media
Melissa is a CPA and Director at Baker Tilly where she specializes in auditing employee benefit plans and preparing Form 5500. She is a regular speaker and panelist for the annual ZIPD business conference to empower students with information that they need to succeed in their accounting careers.
Melissa is a member of the Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants (PICPA) and serves on their Employee Benefits Plan Committee and is a frequent presenter at their annual conference. She has also held positions on the Ethics and Nominating Committees of the PICPA as well as the Pennsylvania CPA Journal Editorial Board.
Melissa is a 2010 graduate of Leadership Northeast (formerly Leadership Wilkes-Barre) and serves on the Board of Directors as Secretary/Treasurer since 2012. In 2021 she joined the Board of Directors and the Finance Committee of Maternal & Family Health Services.