Bridget Klein

- Title(s)
- Assistant Professor
- Department
- Education
Ph.D. in Anthropology, American University
M.S., Gallaudet University
- Contact Information
- Bloomsburg
- 570-245-6188
- Send an Email
11A Navy Hall
Bridget Klein hails from a rural area in Wisconsin and from a small family-owned dairy farm business. She graduated with a Bachelor’s degree from Keuka College, focusing on ASL in 2003. Then in 2004 Bridget Klein enrolled at Gallaudet University and graduated with two masters; the first one was teaching sign language in 2006 and the second was Deaf cultural studies in 2007. She also graduated with a certificate in Deaf History. Bridget Klein graduated with a Doctor of Philosophy from American University (2022), focusing on Anthropology. Bridget Klein has been a faculty member of the ASL / English Interpreting program at Commonwealth University of Pennsylvania - Bloomsburg campus for over 10 years. Her passion is to use creativity to tell and listen to stories. She loves to collect old pictures and find old documents and transfer old sources into digital to preserve for future generations of people to see. She also enjoys being in the library surrounded by old books.