IRBManager System

IRBManager is the main system for all IRB submissions.

New users can create an IRBManager account by entering a user name and password on the main page. Please see below on the how to steps.

How to create an IRBManager login

  • Go to the CU-IRBManager website
  • Enter Username: Use your CU email address
  • Enter Password
  • Enter Client: Commonwealth
  • Enter Principal Investigator or Coordinator
    • If you are a principal investigator, choose investigator.
    • If you are a coordinator who will be submitting for an investigator, choose coordinator.
    • If you are a student you may not serve as a Principal Investigator at Commonwealth University of Pennsylvania and will need to use the coordinator role for submission.

Please answer all pertinent questions

If you already have an account and are unable to login, please do not create a new account. Instead, go to the IRBManager login page and click on ‘Forgot Password’ and enter your email address to receive a new password. If you are still unable to login, please send an email to to receive help.

CITI training requirements

  • Any student / staff / faculty conducting research are required to complete CITI (Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative) training before you complete your application.
  • You will need to complete either Biomedical Research-Basic / Refresher or Social & Behavioral Research-Basic / Refresher depending on your research discipline.
  • Please use the affiliation Commonwealth University of PA when registering.
  • If you do not have this training please go on the CITI Program website to register and complete.

How to submit an IRB proposal

  1. Click on the "Submit a New Application to the IRB" link in the upper left under "Actions". This will take you directly into the form to start answering questions.
  2. Enter your study information.
  3. Once completed with your form you will click "Submit" IRB administration will receive the application and start the review process.

Notice: If your information is not completed, your submission will not be reviewed until it is finished.

CU-IRB Contact Information

Include the IRB number, Commonwealth University of Pennsylvania, and the CU-IRB Chair’s name and contact information on all recruitment and consent forms.


Illustration of Mountain

CU-IRB Contact Information