Multicultural Affairs

- Contact Information
- Bloomsburg
- 570-389-4510
- Send an Email
229 Kehr Union Building
- Office Hours
Monday - Friday
9:00 AM - 5:30 PM
The Bloomsburg Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA) was established in 1994 with the support of the University, The State System of Higher Education, and the Community Government Association.
Institutions of higher learning that have supported the founding of multicultural affairs offices recognize that such units provide a distinct level of programming and educational services that address the specific challenges and issues faced by historically underrepresented individuals and groups include to, United State Citizens of African, Asian, Hispanic/Latino/Chicano and indigenous descent, disabled, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender individuals, women and religious groups. The OMA staff is dedicated to helping students succeed and graduate from CU.
OMA Support
- Awareness of university policies, procedures, and regulations
- Student retention support through various mentoring initiatives
- Careers, internships, graduate and professional school, education abroad, and job opportunities
- Provide educational programming, including study groups and seminars
- Act as an advocate for students in dealing with the complex makeup of a large university
- Promote an understanding and awareness of diversity and multiculturalism at Bloomsburg University through lectures and professional conferences
- OMA Mentoring and Advisement Program
- Breast Cancer 5k Run/Walk
- First World Graduation Ceremonies
- Graduate School Tour
- Latino Extravaganza
- Martin Luther King Commemorative Banquet
- Movie and Lecture Series
- OMA Student and Faculty Advisory Board
- Personal and professional development workshops
- Student Leadership Retreat
- Study Hall Sessions
- The Sankofa Conference
- Unity Day Conference (Un Día De Unidad)
Commonwealth University is committed to providing equal educational and employment opportunities to all persons without regard to race, religion, gender, age, national origin, sexual orientation, disabilities, Vietnam non-era veteran status or union membership. CU is additionally committed to affirmative action and will take positive steps to provide such educational and employment opportunities. Inquiries maybe referred to University Disability Services.
Ceremonies and Conferences
The First World ceremony is celebrated each December and May to congratulate the achievements of our multicultural students at the baccalaureate and graduate degree levels. This celebration is well attended by our guests and the university community.
The first conference in the PASSHE for Hispanic/Latino/Chicano students. It is to a celebration to commemorate the Latino culture and its roots through discussion of pertinent issues affecting the campus and communities.
The Sankofa conference was created as a program of the multicultural center, which recognized the need for students to learn, understand, and appreciate the rich cultural heritage of people of African descent. The conference has developed as a way to promote unity and understanding among students and to provide a forum for discussion and learning.
Mentoring Programs
This program is designed specifically for juniors and seniors, with a focus on graduate school and professional career development. Twenty students are selected to participate in the following: reception and meeting, graduate school preparatory testing classes; seminars on graduate school process; academic and professional career conferences, resume building and internship workshops.
Aqui y Ahora is a mentoring program for freshmen Latino / Hispanic students focusing on enhancing the adjustment and retention in college and to maximize the opportunities for success of Latino/ Hispanic students. The program provides a positive way for Latino/ Hispanic students to meet people on campus and address special problems that a Latino / Hispanic student may face at predominately white campuses.
Men of Intelligence, Notability, and Desire (M.I.N.D.) mentorship program provides a positive outlet for male students to be able to express themselves and network with other faculty, students, staff, alumni, and community members.
Clubs and Organizations
- Accountants
- Asian Culture Association
- B-Smart
- Black Cultural Society
- BU Gospel Choir
- Catholic Campus Ministry
- Gay and Straight Alliance
- Global Awareness Society
- Hillel
- International Student Organization
- Korean Association
- Ladies First
- National Association Of Black Accountants
- Protestant Campus Ministry
- Student Organization of Latinos
- Vice Versa