Tapping the Pack's Potential

Jessie Lee ’20 didn’t have the smoothest of transitions from college student to confident professional. She struggled to find her niche in the business college and found it challenging to move out of her comfort zone during the pandemic and seize opportunities.
Until Dragon Tree Media Group CEO Quentin Williams reached out to her on LinkedIn. Now, Jessie Lee serves as a marketing and promotions manager, recruiting fellow Huskies to the company and helping interns find their own niche in the business world, even as she solidifies hers.

“The work environment seemed so positive, and there
were opportunities to learn as well,” recalled Jessie Lee, who majored in International Business and Marketing.
While Jessie Lee says her time at BU was “amazing,” she still found it challenging to put herself out there and trust the tools and skills she had learned. “Education doesn’t end with your diploma.”
“So much is about having trust in yourself and the individuals guiding you,” she explained. “I was comfortable, but then I realized the opportunities that seemed so scary were the most amazing."
In her first professional position, Jessie Lee helps plan the many marketing events and campaigns Dragon Tree launches for their clients. She is also in a position to hire interns and team members as part of her responsibility for staffing the events. Putting those new team members in positions to be successful has been a very fulfilling part of her job, as has returning to campus to recruit fellow Huskies. In fact, Jessie Lee has hired 15 Bloom interns in just the last year.
“Working with students has been an incredible experience,” explained Bach. “We give our students a rare opportunity to submerge themselves in the business world and build relationships with the clients we work with.”
In a lot of ways, Jessie Lee is able to give students the push that she needed as a graduating senior.
“I get to motivate them to become successful, and being an alum helps them see what they can accomplish. I’m here to provide opportunity and show them they can also open doors to the unknown.”
“Sometimes it’s scary not knowing what you want, but Bloom gave me a foundation. Going back has been an amazing opportunity for me. Bloomsburg University students are capable of taking on new challenges, and my job is to give them that push.”
Despite her passion for motivating and inspiring students, Bach says it’s a two-way relationship, and she is proud to be part of a team that is excited to learn and grow along with them.
“There is something very different about Bloom grads. They are prepared and determined, excited and passionate, and they come ready to bring every foundational skill to the table.”
If you are interested in recruiting on campus, please email hireahusky@bloomu.edu