Homecoming Craft Event

Add to Calendar 2024-09-27 11:00:00 2024-09-27 13:00:00 Homecoming Craft Event Join the Lock Haven Alumni Association and Rooted Farmstead Flower Farm and Garden Market during Haven Homecoming 2024 for our annual Homecoming Craft Event at Clinton Country Club on Friday, September 27 at 11:00 a.m. This year’s crafts are flower bar bouquets!We cannot wait to have you back at The Haven for what we know will be a fun-filled and memorable Homecoming weekend.  For a full list of Homecoming events, click here.We look forward to seeing you there!Cost is just $35/person and includes snacks, one drink ticket, craft supplies (seasonal flowers, foliage, vase, and more) and professional on-site support to set up, guide, and teach fun facts and tips about floral design. RSVP required.  window.bboxInit = function () { bbox.showForm('702cb782-ee92-4aa7-b600-58dd0ceca6fb'); }; (function () { var e = document.createElement('script'); e.async = true; e.src = 'https://bbox.blackbaudhosting.com/webforms/bbox-min.js'; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(e); } ()); Rooted Farmstead Flower Farm and Garden Market CommonwealthU webteam@bloomu.edu America/New_York public


Join the Lock Haven Alumni Association and Rooted Farmstead Flower Farm and Garden Market during Haven Homecoming 2024 for our annual Homecoming Craft Event at Clinton Country Club on Friday, September 27 at 11:00 a.m. This year’s crafts are flower bar bouquets!

We cannot wait to have you back at The Haven for what we know will be a fun-filled and memorable Homecoming weekend.  For a full list of Homecoming events, click here.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Cost is just $35/person and includes snacks, one drink ticket, craft supplies (seasonal flowers, foliage, vase, and more) and professional on-site support to set up, guide, and teach fun facts and tips about floral design. RSVP required.


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